Services for...
Need assistance with devices, low storage issues, social media, or apps? Learn at your own pace with flexible, patient, and friendly individual assistance. We’ll meet virtually, or in person at a location convenient to you – your office, home, local coffee shop, or library. From one session to a series of regular meetings, one on one training session run for one to two hours.
On the market for a new device, service, or tech solution? Obtain guidance and cost savings advice before you buy with personal shopping assistance and research services.
Your library is brimming with technology questions from staff and patrons alike. Tackle the challenges (and leverage the opportunities) of the information age with expert assistance from an experienced technology librarian. Browse my current menu of patron workshops or staff training options, or contact me to discuss a custom training session. Participants will receive patient, upbeat instruction tailored on the spot to meet their needs. Sessions can be offered in-person, hybrid, or via videoconference. Regardless of format, class archives can be recorded and made available in the Neoliteracy Academy Portal for an additional licensing fee.
Are your residents curious about technology? Classes, one on one help packages, referrals, and staff training are all options available to help you meet the unique needs of older learners. Services can be offered in person, with amplification and live closed captions, or via videoconference.
Are a lack of technological skills holding your business back? With classes available on Microsoft Office and Google Workspace products, plus many other apps, business sites, and devices, you or your staff will be up to speed in no time. Sessions can be offered in-person, hybrid, or via videoconference for groups or individuals. Regardless of format, class archives can be recorded and made available in the Neoliteracy Academy Portal for an additional licensing fee.